Action Over Fear

I am a planner.

It is what I do for self-preservation. My memory is short, so I have come to love and adore my calendars, planners, and checklists. With those in hand, I can quickly plan out my day. However, it is very easy to stay in the habit of planning and not do a damn thing!

There is no way to use your energy in one area and have another area overwhelmingly flourish - you will lose your mind trying. In that same vein, I had to stop putting all my energy into JUST planning and pivot into action and funnel all or most of my energy to the movement. We like to talk about dreams and share our visions to the point we can start to feel as if talking and sharing are making our dreams come true. In actuality, it is taking energy (a resource) away from the main goal - to accomplish and move forward on the goal.

Creating a plan and sharing it with those who will hold you accountable and support you can be game-changing, not gonna lie. However, the trade-off of sharing, talking, planning, thinking, editing, and more planning with more talking can be insanely unproductive. You can create obstacles, mind blocks, haters, and most of all fear of movement - analysis paralysis if you will. The fear of failure, anonymity, criticism, ignorance, and unpreparedness can stop your dream and vision from EVER becoming a reality.

The cure for this is so simple its crazy - JUST DO IT! It seems so trivial but you would be surprised how hard and complex this can get. Literally, you have taken all the time, read all the books, talked to everyone, and planned everything out - doing it seems so far out there and it stops you from creating. DON'T LET THAT HAPPEN.

Action will quell some fears almost immediately. Fear will be present anytime you release your passions into the world for consumption. When you allow a vulnerable part of yourself to be exposed by expressing you want something - that does not mean you should not move forward. Actions take energy away from fear and give you momentum to keep going.

Think about what you are doing instead of moving forward the next time you are stalled on a goal or telling someone about what you WANT to do.

QK Douglas

QK Douglas is a small business and compliance attorney. She became a business owner to bridge the gap of information she saw small business owners struggling through in creative spaces and across the board, especially with creatives and entrepreneurs. (Canna and crypto)

Compliance and legal structures are necessary, but it’s an elusive step for those who don't have access or don't know where to start.

QK desires for those in her community who want to get into these dynamic spaces to have access and a chance to chase their dreams.

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