Treat Yo’Self is NOT Self Care

Treat Yo'Self is NOT Self Care.... Or Is It?

Everyone has seen the memes and the videos of treating yourself by buying that shirt or going on that trip, right? But honestly, in a world where all we do is go, go, go and scroll our endless timelines, will a financial splurge on something that you really don't NEED equate to taking care of yourself? Yes, memories are made, sure you can stunt on the 'gram, or just feel nice about an item that you have wanted. However, in a deeper sense why do we, especially millennials, equate money spent on "A THING" to taking care of our bodies and minds?

I believe this is partially a comparison act/trap, as the world of social media has definitely put us in a forever "let me show how/what I'm doing" mood or a "wow, I didn't even know that existed, and now I need it" thought process. And whether it be our friends, virtual mentors, or the insta-bestie we've never met, social media takes a part in making us think that we need things in order to take care of voids in our lives. This is simply false. We have to realize we have to address the void in order to truly take a dive into real self-care.

As we are growing, I see that the younger generations have a sense of entitlement to what they see, but no commitment to what it takes to get there. Treating yourself in such a manner is a detriment to the life that you should have because we're being taught that there is no real work that is needed to get to a desired station or place. We only see the highlight reel, so we are conditioned that the way to get what we see is to also highlight what is being shown to us. Not knowing or seeing all the work that it took to even make the one to 5-sec snap/pic/video happen.

There is the notion that candles, a bubble bath, and a face mask are self-care. Not necessarily, love. We work a little bit, then indulge and do what we feel like thinking “this is fine”. Especially, when we are not in the space or capacity to actually afford it! We compensate and justify it by our lives being "busy." There is a fine line between being busy making "moves" daily and being productive and facilitating growth.

Do we take time to evaluate what we are doing and why we are so busy?

Do we take the time to let go of what is not serving or growing us as people, as businesses, as people?

We have to evaluate our lives by ruthlessly critiquing what we do and how we do it. This means mentally, (thought processes), physically (health), emotionally (relationships), and spiritually (your internal connections to the world and beyond).

We have to treat our personal well-being as a priority to buying what we want. Don't get me wrong, some of what you do to treat your mind may come at a cost. For example, therapy or a gym membership. Maybe taking a seminar on mental health or just time away from work. However, these are small prices to pay to perform at your best. 

Then you can unlock all your potential and eminence because it’s definitely there.

Let's change the narrative from treating yo'self to becoming 9othe most beautiful and resplendent versions of ourselves.

Peace and love.

QK Douglas

QK Douglas is a small business and compliance attorney. She became a business owner to bridge the gap of information she saw small business owners struggling through in creative spaces and across the board, especially with creatives and entrepreneurs. (Canna and crypto)

Compliance and legal structures are necessary, but it’s an elusive step for those who don't have access or don't know where to start.

QK desires for those in her community who want to get into these dynamic spaces to have access and a chance to chase their dreams.

The One About Meditation.